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Samwel Magesa

Samwel Magesa

Chief Data Officer, NBC Bank
Samwel B. Magesa is a Chief Data Officer with NBC Bank, the leading bank in Tanzania. A Software Engineer and seasoned banker with a career spanning over a decade Samwel has been instrumental in leading numerous consultations as well as starting and setting up data management departments for various institutions. Samwel’s career in the consultancy and financial sector has a footprint in digital channels and distributions, business development, technology infrastructure particularly in developing and managing resilient critical mission systems responsible for delivering customer facing financial services as well as database management. Samwel has been influential in the delivery of major projects involving both back end and customer facing platforms. Certified in IT governance, Technology Infrastructure and Project Management, in his time off, Samwel enjoys participating in several development programs empowering youth, reading, writing, and traveling

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