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Ivan Popov

Ivan Popov

Data Scientist, Abound & Render
I am a Data Scientist with a solid FinTech and computer vision background. In the early stages of my career, I worked as a Data Analyst and co-founded an online service that grew to 80,000 users and 1.5 million monthly visits. My areas of expertise are NLP models and transaction classification for Open Banking Data. I work at Abound & Render, where I navigate the challenges of aligning data practices with diverse regulatory requirements for UK loan aggregators and Open Banking services. I excel in integrating complex data systems across different regulatory landscapes, thanks to my extensive experience in the field. I graduated with a Master's degree in Data Science and Machine Learning from UCL, where my research on blastocyst image segmentation was published and contributed to the machine learning field. I am passionate about my work and strive to deliver the best results possible.

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