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Andrew McClelland

Andrew McClelland

Consultant & Co-Founder, MC Strategy
Andrew McClelland: An experienced speaker, host and commercial manager involved in eCommerce for over 20 years. Over that time, he has developed a deep understanding of key elements of the eRetail value chain. Helping retailers understand the changing market dynamics, technologies and techniques whilst advising suppliers on the issues that retailers are looking to solve. Key work has also involved advising Government departments, the EU and other stakeholders on the development of the digital economy, data insight and consumer protection. Andrew has authored an extensive range of research, articles, market insight and policy position papers covering payments, fraud, data protection, marketing technologies, loyalty programs, international markets, sustainability in retail and consumer behaviour. An experienced public speaker, Andrew enjoys hosting roundtable events as much as speaking and chairing events with more than 1000 attendee’s. Andrew has been involved with IMRG from the early 00’s and now works in a consultancy capacity for the organisation. Other activities include eCommerce & International market development consultancy through MCS, is co-founder of The Data Project and is external DPO for a number of brands. The Data Project provides organisations with data protection and systems design services, particularly around global data protection standards, such as GDPR (UK & EU) and CCPA.

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