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Data Integration for a Greener Climate: Frameworks for a Resilient Global Ecosystem

07 Mar 2024
Big Data & AI World Keynote Theatre

Extreme weather has been named by the World Economic Forum as one of the biggest global risks for 2024 at 66% ahead of cyber-attacks which is 39%. Climate data importance is now at the very heart of mitigating such global crisis. With augmented analytics advancement, these data can be interpreted at the speed as never before. We have the right tools, the right technology, but how do we collaborate, building in the same direction. Two things are important as far as collaboration is concerned, integration and frameworks. Are we collecting the right data, are the definitions standardised across, the metrics and interpretation, do they speak the same narrative, frameworks are designed to achieve that, creating a common language in which we can sing in the tune. Framework is a conductor in an orchestra making sure that the music makes sense in the end. Our resilience in managing a much greener climate will very much depend on how we will be able to have standardized climate data frameworks.

Samwel Magesa, Chief Data Officer - NBC Bank

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