BDWL24 Conference Programme

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Why 85% Still Fail To Get AI Value & What We Can Do About It

06 Mar 2024
Data Strategy & Decision Intelligence

In spite of the GenAI hype, a shocking 85% still struggle to get tangible value from Data, AI, and GenAI. This session will explore why this is happening and provide practical strategies for overcoming the obstacles.

🔑 Key Questions Answered:

- What really is data (AI or GenAI) value?

- What are the barriers to unlocking this potential in your business?
- What are the varying perceptions of value across organisations?

- How does data (AI or GenAI) actually create value?

- How do you measure and maximize the real-world impact of your data (AI or GenAI) assets?

- Can data (AI or GenAI) actually destroy value and should I be concerned?

- What are actionable strategies for immediate and long-term success?
- How can you keep your data (AI or GenAI) strategy relevant and adaptive?

Edosa Odaro, Chief Value Officer and Author of 'Value Driven Data' - vds

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